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Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI)

Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Scheme


PUBLIC NOTICE: Re-Issuance of OCI Cards and Travel of OCI Card Holders to India


As per latest regulations of Government of India:


1.     The time line for re-issuance of OCI cards (Overseas Citizen of India cards) in respect of OCI card holders who may be required to get their OCI card re-issued, has been extended until 31.12.2021.


2.     The requirement of carrying old and new passports along with the OCI card has been done away with. Henceforth, the OCI card holders travelling on the strength of their OCI card bearing old passport number are not required to carry their old passport while travelling to India. However, in such cases, it is advised that carrying of both the old and new passports helps an OCI card holder to avoid inconvenience during journey.


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OCI card holders who have obtained a new passport and have not yet updated the new passport details in the OCI card, are eligible to travel to India on the strength of their old OCI cards. However, it is mandatorily required to carry both the old and new Passports in case the OCI cardholder is travelling on the strength of OCI card bearing old passport number in it, in order to avoid problems that may arise at any point of their journey to India.

The Constitution of India does not allow holding Indian citizenship and citizenship of a foreign country simultaneously. Based on the recommendation of the High Level committee on Indian Diaspora, the Government of India decided to grant Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) commonly known as ‘Dual Citizenship’. Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) of certain category who migrated from India and acquired citizenship of a foreign country other than Pakistan and Bangladesh, are eligible for grant of OCI as long as their home countries allow dual citizenship in some form or the other under their local laws.

Persons registered as OCI have not been given any voting rights, election to Lok Sabha / Rajya Sabha / Legislative Assembly / Council, holding Constitutional posts such as President, Vice President, Judge of Supreme Court / High Court etc. Registered OCIs shall be entitled to following benefits:

  1. Multiple entry, multi-purpose life long visa to visit India;
  2. Exemption from reporting to Police authorities for any length of stay in India; and
  3. Parity with NRIs in financial, economic and educational fields except in the acquisition of agricultural or plantation properties.

Any further benefits to OCIs will be notified by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) under section 7B(1) of the Citizenship Act, 1955.
A person registered as OCI is eligible to apply for grant of Indian citizenship under section 5(1)(g) of the Citizenship Act, 1955 if he/she is registered as OCI for five years and has been residing in India for one year out of the five years before making the application.

Eligibility criteria

A foreign national, who was eligible to become citizen of India on 26.01.1950 or was a citizen of India on or at any time after 26.01.1950 or belonged to a territory that became part of India after 15.08.1947 and his/her children and grand children, provided his/her country of citizenship allows dual citizenship in some form or other under the local laws, is eligible for registration as Overseas Citizen of India (OCI). Minor children of such person are also eligible for OCI. However, if the applicant had ever been a citizen of Pakistan or Bangladesh, he/she will not be eligible for OCI. If both parents hold Indian nationality, minor children are not eligible for OCI card.
Application form and procedure

A family consisting of spouses and upto two minor children can apply in the same Form i.e.Form XIX.
The application form completed in all respects along with enclosures should be submitted in duplicate to the Indian Mission/Post of the country of applicant’s citizenship or where he/she is not in the country of citizenship to the Indian mission/post of the country in which he/she is ordinarily resident. If the applicant is in India, he/she can apply to the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkota or Amritsar or Chief Immigration Officer (CHIO) Chennai or to the Under Secretary, Citizenship Section, Foreigners Division, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Jaisalmer House, 26 Mansingh Road, New Delhi-110011.

On Line Application/Registration

The applicants may register for Overseas Citizenship online (w.e.f. 2.12.2005) at MHA's website (www.mha.nic.inhttps://ociservices.gov.in/. The online OCI Registration Form has two parts - Part A and Part B. Part A is to be filled in for each applicant of the family and Part B is common to all applicants of the family. Part A can be submitted online where upon a Reference Number would be generated and it can be printed along with Part B and submitted to the Indian Mission/Post or appropriate office in India along with requisite documents and fees.

Procedure for granting registration

After preliminary scrutiny, if there is no adverse information available against the applicant, the Indian Mission/Post shall register a person as OCI within 15 days of application and the case shall be referred to Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), New Delhi for post verification of the antecedents of the applicant. If during the post verification, any adverse information comes to the knowledge of the MHA, the registration as OCI already granted by the Indian Mission/Post shall be cancelled by an order under section 7 D of the Citizenship Act,1955.
After preliminary scrutiny, if there is any adverse information against the applicant, prior approval of MHA, New Delhi shall be required before grant of registration. MHA may approve or reject the grant of registration within 90 days from the date of the receipt of the application. If the grant of registration as OCI is approved by MHA, the Indian Mission/Post shall register the person as OCI.
If the application is filed in India, registration shall be granted by MHA by following the above procedure.
After grant of registration, a registration certificate in the prescribed format will be issued and a multiple entry, multi-purpose lifelong OCI ‘U” visa sticker will be pasted on the foreign passport of the applicant.

OCI for PIO card holders

PIO card holders who are otherwise eligible for registration as OCI may apply in the same Form i.e. Form XIX and they will be considered for grant of registration in the same manner as other applicants. PIO card holders have to pay a fee of Saudi Riyals 95 instead of Saudi Riyals 1,035 for normal applicant. PIO card holders will have to surrender his/her PIO card after issuance of acceptance of application and before grant of OCI registration certificate/visa.
Cancellation of OCI registration
If it has been found that the registration as an OCI was obtained by means of fraud, false representation or concealment of any material fact or the registered OCI has shown disaffection towards the Constitution of India or comes under any of the provisions of section 7D of the Citizenship Act, the registration of such person will not only be cancelled forthwith but he/she will also be blacklisted for visiting India.
Benefits to OCI

Following benefits will accrue to OCI:

  1. A multiple entry, multi-purpose lifelong visa for visiting India.
  2. Exemption from registration with local police authority for any length of stay in India.
  3. Parity with Non-resident Indians (NRIs) in respect of economic, financial and educational fields except in relation to acquisition of agricultural or plantation properties.

Any other benefits to OCIs will be notified by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) under Section 7B (1) of the Citizenship Act, 1955.

Benefits to which OCI is not entitled to

The OCI is not entitled to vote, be a member of Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council or Parliament, cannot hold constitutional posts such as President, Vice President, Judge of Supreme Court or High Court etc. and he/she cannot normally hold employment in the Government.

Help Desk

For any clarification/query on the scheme, please visit the website www.mha.nic.in or contact the Indian Mission/Post or Citizenship Section, Foreigners Division, Ministry of Home Affairs, Jaisalmer House, 26, Mansingh Road, New Delhi-110011.
*Note : An additional Fee of SR 8 (Saudi Riyal Eight) is levied on each Service as contribution towards the Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF). All fees are to be paid in Saudi Riyals in Cash at the Counter along with application. Fees once paid are not refunded, even if the application is withdrawn or the service refused for whatsoever reason.
OCI - Application Fee & Requirements in KSA

IMPORTANT NOTICE: OCI card holders travelling to India are advised to carry the Passport containing U Visa Sticker and OCI card to avoid problems at Immigration Check Points in India. In case, registered OCI card holder has obtained a new passport, kindly ensure to carry the passport containing U Visa Sticker, new passport and OCI Card during all visits to India.

Alternatively, Miscellaneous Services can be availed for transfer of U Visa Sticker to the new passport. However, before applying for Miscellaneous. Services, kindly read the instructions particularly the processing period.

Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Scheme

OCI card holders on attaining the age of 50 years are required to submit only following two documents for uploading in the OCI portal for re-issuance of OCI card:
Copy of OCI card presently held by the applicant
Copy of valid foreign passport held by the applicant

OCI - Application Fee & Requirements in KSA
Sl. Description Fees*
1. Registration under Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) SR.1,035
SR. 12 as ICWF fee
2. Requirements for registration under OCI:-
  • Duly filled in application form
  • 3 Additional stamp size photographs of applicant(s). Please See (Photograph Requirements Document)
  • Proof of citizenship of applicant(s)
  • Evidence of self or parents or grandparents:
    being eligible to become a citizen of India at the time of commencement of the Constitution; or
    belonging to a territory that became part of India after 15th August, 1947; or
    being citizen of India on or after 26th January, 1950
    These are:-
    1. Copy of the passport (or)
    2. Copy of the domicile certificate issued by the Competent authority (or)
    3. Any other proof (or)
    4. Affidavit
  • Surrender Certificate in respect of Indian Passport.for more information and penalty, pl check attached document
  • Evidence of relationship as parent/grandparents, if their Indian origin is claimed as basis for grant of OCI.
  • PIO card holders must also submit a copy of their PIO card